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The Importance Of Politics For Startup Businesses

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Politics have always been important in the world of business. No matter the size of your company or the people working for it, the way that the leaders of your country and even local area work will almost always have an impact on you. In some cases, this impact can be small, but it will often be much larger than companies imagine. To give you an idea of the importance of politics in the world of startup businesses, this article will be exploring this area, giving you the chance to build an understanding of how this can impact your work.

Changing Laws

Most businesses are governed by a range of different laws that normal people won’t even be aware of. Your products and services are likely to be regulated, and this means that you have to follow the rules that have been put in place by the politicians that lead your country. When laws change, businesses have to respond to this with action, and this can be a challenge when you’re only just starting out. It’s crucial that you have someone in your business monitoring changes in the law.

Importing & Exporting

International relationships are changing all the time. While it is less common than it used to be for trade deals and other agreements to collapse, changes in this sort of relationship can have a major impact on businesses. For example, if a country that you export to raises its import tax for goods coming from your country, you will have to adjust your prices or face losing money on the items that you sell there. This can be a challenging issue to overcome for new companies, and it is all driven by politics.


Tax is important in the world of politics. It wouldn’t be possible for a government to operate without the tax that it receives from citizens, and this means that most governments are extremely strict about the tax that you have to pay. For startups, this will mean having to hire accountants to handle the taxes and changes that occur in this area of politics, with many countries altering the taxes they enforce on a yearly basis.


Most people have heard of lobbying. This is the process that businesses often go through to push politicians to make decisions that benefit them. It is important that you know of the local politicians that serve you if you want to make use of this tactic, with people like the Mayor of Irvington NJ being incredibly important to businesses that operate in their constituencies. This is something that many startups struggle with, especially when they have a lot of work to do to make money.

As you can see, politics will always be an important element of life for those running startup businesses. While you may be able to overcome issues like this, it can take quite some time for your business to become a master of the world of politics.