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6 Signs Your Business is Doing Social Media Wrong

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We all know that using social media is a great way to market our businesses, but that only applies if we’re doing it right, and unfortunately, many of us are getting it very wrong on a very regular basis.

If you spot any of the following signs, it could indicate that your business is doing social media wrong and you’ll; need to change that if you want to be a success story:

1. You don’t have a regular update schedule

On social media, things move at lightning speed. So, if you aren’t updating regularly, you will be very quickly left behind. If you don’t have the time for daily updates, a good digital marketing agency will be able to provide you with q social media manager who can take care of it for you, and probably do a better job to boot.

2. Followers aren’t exactly flocking to you

If you barely pick up any new followers despite your best efforts, it’s a big glaring sign that you’re getting social media wrong. Maybe your content isn’t interesting enough or you’re not engaging with your audience enough, but one thing’s for sure, you’re going to need to make some changes.

3. You don’t engage

For sure, a big part of social media marketing is creating fun, engaging and informative content that signs the praises of your business, but that alone won’t lead to many conversions. If you want to convert, you need to start conversations; you need to engage with your followers and give them a reason to, not only keep following, but to actually become customers of your business. If you can’t do that, you ,may find that your social media marketing efforts don’t pay off.

4. It’s all ad, ad, ad with you

If your business only ever uses its social media profiles to post ads for your stuff, you are going to notice a lot of unfollows and no new engagement, Why? Because you are basically using your socials as a place to spam your audience and people don’t like that. It’s fine to post the odd ad, but you need to wrap some decent content around those ads if you want to get anywhere.

5. You don’t tailor your content

If you just post the exact same content on every single social media platform, you are doing it wrong. Why? Because what flies on Facebook isn’t the same as what has an impact on Instagram or gets talked about on Twitter. Every social media platform has its own identity with its own conventions and often very different user bases, so you need to create unique (or at least tweak) content for each platform. 

6. You argue or ignore bad reviews

As a business, the worst thing you can do is argue, in a confrontational manner with people who leave negative reviews. It just makes your business look unprofessional. You also should not ignore them as that can make it look like you don’t care, and it can also prevent you from giving your own side. If you do get a negative review engage with the reviewer, calmly state your side, apologize if necessary, and leave it at that.

Spot any of these signs? It’s time to change.