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How to Cope With the Stress of Building and Growing Your Business

As a business owner, your work is never done. Once you manage to get your venture going, you aim to keep building upon its foundation and make your business grow. 

Working on expanding your business can be pretty stressful in these fast-paced, constantly changing, and challenging times that we all live in. But, there is a way to cope with the stress of building and growing your business. 

You need to find a way to unload some of the burdens of being a business owner. Read on to find out what you can do to achieve that. 

Delegate, delegate, delegate! 

Once you realize that you don’t have to be in charge of every single aspect of your business, no matter how big or small it seems, the second part of your career begins. 

Delegating some things to experts that know what they are doing is good business practice. But, more importantly, it is beneficial to your peace of mind as well. 

Everyday mundane matters tend to pile up and drain your energy and your creativity. Those resources are precious to you as an entrepreneur and as a human, as well. When you delegate some of those things to professional services, you will be able to redirect your energy to things that matter more. 

Delegating tasks enables you to grow your business, spend more time with your family and loved ones, and, overall, be much freer of stress. 

For instance, instead of taking care of your company’s vehicles, car insurance, the shape the cars are in, and managing your drivers, all you have to do is hire a fleet management company

The professionals who work there can handle all of the things listed above for you and more. 

Let the digital assistants deal with the workload 

Artificial intelligence (AI) can do so much more than your everyday smart personal assistants like Siri or smart speakers such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home. AI can make your work much more accessible, too. Here is how. 

If you own any type of business that involves interaction with customers, you can benefit from having a digital assistant take care of that aspect of work for you. 

A digital assistant is more than just a chatbot. They can lead a conversation, sure, but they can also do so much more. 

Thanks to its sophisticated programming, they can consider each customer’s shopping history and preferences and any other kind of data to create a unique user experience tailored to that customer. They then use that knowledge to provide relevant answers to the user’s questions, offer personalized content and recommendations and do much more. 

Perhaps the best quality of digital assistants is their ability to learn. That means that the longer they run and the more they interact with people, the better they become at doing their job. 

And, best of all, digital assistants don’t get tired or take time off. With digital assistants by your side, your company will be able to offer state-of-the-art customer support all day, every day. 

Have a coach help you be the best you can be

When you hear the phrase “high-performance coaching,” you might think that it is a type of coaching meant only for the best of us, for people who already have the star potential, and all they need is a slight nudge to achieve it. But, in fact, anyone can benefit from coaching. 

High-performance coaching is all about helping you discover your motivation, your goals and identifying the obstacles that hinder your progress. 

You can benefit from a coach if you need to focus on a long-term career and life planning. Studies show that people with a long-term goal and a general idea of their career trajectory tend to do better and be more successful than those who do not have a clear plan for their future. 

A career coach can also help you when your career goes through some significant change - like working for someone else and then becoming your boss or even being in charge of several employees of your own. 

A coach is there to help you break the bad habits that reduce your performance as well. They can help you adjust your habits and behavior to get the best out of yourself and the people you manage or lead. 

Finally, a personal coach can help you with significant life setbacks, such as a stressful event in your personal life or experiencing burnout at work. With a coach, you can recover from personal and professional setbacks much easier than you would be able to do on your own. 

And, once you get back in the game, you will be better than ever since you will have a long-term plan, a clear vision of all the obstacles in your way, and a strategy on how to overcome them. 


Running a successful business and helping it grow is a tough thing to do. Not only does it require you to be on top of your game far beyond your working hours, but it can also become a difficult balancing act. 

When you have to find a balance between your personal and professional life, it is easy to become stressed out to the point of burnout. You have to be in charge of finances, distribution, sales, payroll, and so much more. 

The old saying “Jack of all trades - master of none” exists for a reason. Keeping up with so much work can be overwhelming. At the same time, you are wasting away your valuable time and energy on mundane tasks that are better left over to the professionals, or even machines, such as car fleet management or customer support. 

When you feel that you are in over your head, don’t be ashamed to seek help. An executive and performance coach can help you deal with many stressors of day to day work, while simultaneously helping you in building and developing your career, and your business along with it.