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You Won't Believe The Things You Can Outsource In 2020

by Lina Martinez

Business owners and managers have limited time. There’s only so much that they can get done in the day. And once they spend their time, it’s gone forever - they can never get it back. 

For that reason, outsourcing has become a hot topic. Bosses want to know what services there are out there that can allow them to perform basic business functions more efficiently and for less money. 

Every year, the number of options grows substantially, and 2020 is no different. You won’t believe the stuff that you can outsource in 2020. It’s incredible. 

Public Relations

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Most businesses don’t do anything controversial, but so do. Keeping public relations healthy, therefore, is a big priority for these firms. They want to maintain their brands while supplying products and services that people might find offensive. 

Public relations, however, is a time-consuming endeavor. Bosses of these companies are forever liaising with critics on social media and journalists keen for the latest scoop. It’s a massive drain on resources. 

Now, though, firms in this category are outsourcing their public relations to third parties. And it’s working. Reputation management occurs in the background, allowing executives to focus on their products and services. 

Uniform Washing

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Some companies rely on uniforms to create a desirable public image and instill trust in their customers. Unfortunately, keeping uniforms in good condition is a challenge, especially if you leave the task to workers themselves. Some might not even know how to iron!

For this reason, we’ve seen the rise of companies offering linen service options. The idea here is for the third party firm to take care of all the linen work so that employees don’t have to do it themselves. They just collect all the dirty uniforms, process them, and then deliver them back to your workers right on schedule. 

Editing Your Written Content

Company bosses all over the world create written content to communicate with staff, shareholders, and customers. Unfortunately, editing that content to make it sound good and read well takes time. Not everyone is a wordsmith, able to spam out thousands of words per day without breaking a sweat. For most of us, it’s a challenge. 

Editors, however, are here to help. They monitor all your written communication channels and touch up your work while retaining the core message. They then return the work to you for approval. It’s that simple. 

Vacation Leadership

Do you wish you could go on vacation without worrying about running your company? Well, now you can. Agencies provide so-called “vacation leaders.” These are people who will take over the day-to-day administration of your operations until you return. You explain what you want them to do while you’re away, and then they draw on their tremendous experience to make it happen. 


Companies need to do the occasional bit of shopping, perhaps for an office party. If, however, you’re not an experienced shopper, this can be a challenge. Firms, therefore, are outsourcing the task to professionals who know exactly what to buy. It’s like a mini-miracle!