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Some Plastic Can Be Recycled.

Yes, many types of plastics can be recycled. However, the type of plastic and the recycling process can determine the recycled plastic's quality and usefulness. 

Plastics are commonly categorized into seven types, based on their resin identification code (a number inside a triangle of arrows on the product). The most commonly recycled plastics are PET (polyethylene terephthalate) used for water bottles, and HDPE (high-density polyethylene) used for milk jugs and detergent bottles. Other plastics, such as PVC (polyvinyl chloride) and PS (polystyrene), can also be recycled, but the process may be more complicated and less effective.

Recycling processes can vary depending on the type of plastic being recycled. For example, PET is typically cleaned, shredded, and melted down into pellets that can be used to create new products. HDPE is usually melted down and molded into new products.

It's worth noting that not all plastic can be recycled in every recycling facility, and recycling practices can also vary by region. It's important to check with your local recycling program to see what types of plastics are accepted and how they should be prepared for recycling.