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Doctor...Doctor Who?

Doctor nobody that’s who because why would you want to be a doctor when you can be a nurse? We know what you’re thinking, I want to make money in my career. Well, you still can as a nurse! In fact, you’ll probably reach a high income level as a nurse long before you will as a full doctor. That’s because doctors have to go through about eight years of training before they get anywhere close to a high income. Nurses don’t and after a few years you can start looking at promotions. You could be earning up to sixty grand as a nurse if you make it to the highest level and that’s not the only reason why nursing is better.

Do You Care?

You probably want to spend as much time as you can with your patients and you can’t do this if you’re a doctor. On average they spend around fifteen minutes with a patient but it could be a lot less. Some surveys have suggested doctors see patients for less than three minutes. A worrying statistic perhaps, but it’s not true for nurses. They can spend hours with the same patient over the course of just one day.

Less Stress

Doctors are incredibly stressed to the point where it’s one of the careers with the highest levels of depression in any industry. That’s not true for nurses, perhaps because patient lives aren’t always in their hands. More often than not, they are providing the treatments doctors have recommended.

You can find out more about how to become a nurse in the infographic below.

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