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3 Ways To Encourage A Sense Of Purpose At The Workplace

People love to be recognized for the work they do. It is a natural human trait that feeds into self-confidence and a renewed motivation to do better. Unfortunately, according to statistics, only 25% of adults feel a sense of purpose in their respective lives. At the workplace, you can devise ways and means to encourage a sense of purpose among the people you lead or work with. Below are a few ways to do that.

Create opportunities for learning

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Growth and learning always come hand in hand, especially in areas regarding self-development. If your focus is on the workplace, it helps to involve everyone in the growth and learning process. However, when you select only a few from the lot, you inadvertently create favoritism, which also breeds rivalry. This is the last thing you want to be dealing with when your objective is to encourage a sense of purpose among people on your team.

Fortunately, the growth and learning cycle can be unending if you adopt the right measures. To do this right, you may want to consider nurturing an environment that fosters continuous learning and consistent success. Furthermore, it would help to ensure that your team members are willing to tread that path and not give up midway. Lack of motivation can be pretty infectious in a team, so it helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page. When you get the fundamentals right, the result is the creation of a strong sense of purpose, so keep this in mind.

Encourage rewards and recognition

This falls under positive reinforcement. People love to be recognized for the hard work committed to various endeavors. Although the big achievements can make the most difference for an establishment, smaller feats also need to be acknowledged. This is primarily because smaller achievements become conduits for bigger accomplishments. If you fail to do the latter, you increase the likelihood of killing motivation and a sense of purpose. 

If your work’s mission is geared more towards health promotion and the elimination of diseases in endemic geographical areas, there is something you can do. For example, you can instill a sense of purpose into your team by applying to the global health awards. Getting recognized by award schemes of such nature earns you some much-needed funding while boosting your purpose.

Make a true commitment to change

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There is truth in the saying, ‘the only constant in life is change.’ In other words, change drives innovation. Submitting yourself to change acknowledges the growth that comes with the terrain. Moreover, as you journey to encourage a sense of purpose in others, it is logical to help them appreciate change. Without it, it is almost impossible to guide them into recognizing hidden potentials. Indeed, change is gradual and cannot be rushed through if you desire lasting results. While at it, do not forget to set realistic goals as you embark on a mission to help people find their sense of purpose.