Bring Your Level Of Productivity Up To New Heights
by Lina Martinez
Whether you’re running a business or operating as a freelancer, you should be looking for ways to boost your levels of productivity. Being more productive through the day will ensure that you make more money and provide a far better service to your customers or clients. That can mean a better brand reputation which will ensure that you are able to grow and expand your business online or even offline. But how do you actually boost your productivity levels? Well, there are a few possibilities to consider here and we think at least some of these are going to benefit your profit margin, increasing it by dramatic amounts.
Exercise At Your Desk
The first step that you might want to consider is exercise. Multiple studies have shown that exercising through the day can provide fantastic results for levels of concentration and indeed performance. That means that you might just be able to get through some of the more monotonous and frustrating jobs during the business day. It’s quite possible and indeed, even likely that when you exercise you feel refreshed and you can see issues or problems more clearly. That means that you’ll be able to tackle them head on, rather than looking for work around solutions.
The video below provides some of the options for a desk workout.
However, when you explore this possibility you’ll be amazed at the variety of choices available to you. One of the most popular options is certainly desk yoga. With desk yoga, you won’t just be benefiting your body, you’ll be helping your mind too. By regulating your breathing you can gain control of how much oxygen reaches your brain and this should lead to clearer thought processes.
Productivity Trackers
You might also want to think about using productivity software in your business or even as an independent worker. There are plenty of apps and even free software options available on the market. With a productivity tracker, you can see clearly how much time you are spending on different processes throughout the day. If you look at your iPhone, you’ll see a version of this too. The latest iPhone software has a screen checker. This will tell you how long you spend on social media, different websites and apps throughout the day.
Of course, productivity trackers can go further than this. They can alert you when you have wasted significant amounts of time, potentially even looking you out of websites or apps. They can also provide you with positive reinforcement when you stay productive for a set period of time. This software can involve automated programs too that can help you accomplish your daily goals.
A Little Hypnosis
Have you ever considered using hypnosis to boost your levels of productivity? There is some debate about whether hypnosis has any impact on the human mind. However, many experts do agree that hypnosis does have some sort of effect on thought processes. These can be positive and will provide you with the will power or determination you need to complete jobs and different projects throughout the day. With self hypnosis downloads readily available online, you don’t even need to hire an expert. Instead, you can complete this process in your spare time and perhaps even while you are asleep. Who knows, in a couple of weeks you might look back and realize you are far more productive than you used to be thanks to the incredible wonder and unique method of hypnosis.
A similar idea would be to try meditation. Through meditation, you will essentially be focusing your mind. Similar to yoga, this can make processes and problems in your business clearer, allowing you to find the solutions necessary to succeed, providing the level of support or advice necessary to impress your clients.
Relax, Just Do It
You may also want to think about focusing on relaxing more throughout the working day. One of the biggest mistakes that people often make when they are trying to reach a high level of productivity would be to work nonstop. It’s easy to understand how this thought process develops. After all, if you spend more time working, it’s only natural to assume that you’ll get more done. What you and others are forgetting about here is the significant possibility of burnout. When you burnout you’ll come to a grinding halt and productivity levels will diminish completely. Instead, by taking regular breaks you can avoid the burnout completely and stay well-rested throughout the day. You only need five minutes every hour to avoid the burnout.
Don’t forget, it’s not just about the mental pressure this will put on you. It’s also about the physical issues too. These days, RSI is common in workplaces across America. RSI can cause you to develop severe pain in your wrists that will dramatically slow down your writing and typing ability.
Sweet Dreams
Of course, it’s not just about the rest you get through the day. You also need to make sure that you are getting the right level of rest through the night. It’s important that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. There are a lot of factors that impact your ability to get a good night of sleep. You may for instance want to consider getting another mattress. This can provide a better level of support for your back which will make sleep far easier. Furthermore, it can give you something to be positive about when you're up and about, you might look forward to getting through whatever tasks you have ahead as effectively as possible so you can come back to your bed. Improving and investing in the important everyday items around you can make you realise how much worse off you were before. You might have a new lease on life and be ready to get through all the work ahead. This is especially true if you've done your research to buy the Best Mattress Australia (or elsewhere more relevant to you). Alternatively, you might want to think about writing about issues before you go to be. That way, you can get a clear focus on issues that are bothering you and make sure that they are consciously dealt with.
Automate Your Station
Finally, you should think about automation. It’s true to say that there is now a variety of software available on the market which will allow you to automate processes and take speed in your company or for projects to the next level. While software like this will often require a certain level of investment, it will typically be a cost that is more than worth paying.