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Good Reasons to Extend Your Customer Service Beyond Operating Hours

Extending Customer Service Beyond Operating Hours

by Lina Martinez

Back then, when it comes to doing business, customers would have to wait for the establishment to open before they make any transactions. However, the widespread use of the internet as well the growing need to address concerns as soon as possible has given rise to 24-hour services.

When you have a company that makes use of phone and online means of communication, then you might want to extend its availability to beyond the usual office hours. Here are a few good reasons why.


Customer Service

One of the biggest reasons why businesses lose their customers to their competitors is the lack of timely and adequate customer care. Problems and issues regarding your products and services can pop up any time of the day and sometimes solving them is an urgent affair.

Keeping your lines open and active beyond office hours helps you retain your clients and their trust in you. Making use of business process outsourcing firms in the Philippines is an excellent way of providing this for them.


Technical Assistance

You might be doing business in a field that has something to do with technology. No matter what kind of devices you're offering, there will be times when people will need assistance with them. Like with any type of problem, they won't always experience it at a time when there are service centers open.

So any help available from you will be appreciated. You can offer on-the-spot troubleshooting as well as make arrangements for a visit from the tech team.



With the wide range of employment opportunities that are available nowadays, not everyone has the usual office hours. And this means that not everyone will be able to go to your establishment to avail of your products and services within operating hours.

However, if you make the effort to, say, enable your customers to place orders online or through the phone, then you'll be able to keep them from going to the competition. They may have to wait, but at least they know that they can order anytime.


Surveys and Notifications

Sometimes, there are situations in which you need to call your clients. For example, you may need feedback regarding their experience, or you may want to tell them about a special promo. However, you may not be able to contact everyone you need to since they're not available within your usual hours.

If you extend this beyond your normal operating time, then you can better reach these people. Every customer is important, and going the extra mile for them can make them feel appreciated.

These days, when you want your company to grow, you would have to be ready to provide prompt and proper service to your customers. And when you say prepared, you mean to be available at any given time.

One of the most accessible ways for you to do it is to keep your phone and internet lines open for inquiries and other concerns that your clients may have. Your customers will appreciate it when they know that you're there for them at any time.