Simple Business Ideas That Prove Highly Lucrative
If you are thinking about starting a business, you might have many high-minded ideals that you would like to follow throughout the whole process, but sometimes you want to just set up a company that is going to be simple and easy to run, and likely to make you a lot of money. If you are keen to do that, there are certain business types and ideas which are likely to provide you with that, and which are therefore worth looking into. Let’s take a look at some examples of the kinds of businesses that you might want to consider running yourself for this reason.
If you have not considered dropshipping already, it is something that you are certainly going to want to consider strongly, as it can be an incredibly easy way to make quite a lot of money. With dropshipping, you are effectively just setting yourself up as a middleman for people buying products online. You set up a store using a template site like Shopify, source the products and provide them for a markup - without even having to do the packaging and delivery yourself. It’s amazing how much you can earn this way, and it really is a very simple business to operate.
Opening a Cannabis Dispensary
If medical marijuana is legal in your state, opening a cannabis dispensary could earn you a pretty penny or two. Of course, there are lots to think about such as insurance, licensing and attorneys, and you could be looking to fork out as much as $2 million. This isn’t the cost for everyone, but it’s something you should be aware of. However once you’re up and running, that $2 million will soon be made back.
Sometimes the simplest businesses are those which simply make use of a resource that you have, and a good example of that is a self-storage facility company. Self-storage is a great way to ensure that you are making use of some real estate that you already own which you might not yet know what to do with. Self storage income can be very high if you are located in a good spot and you manage to draw people in, so it’s worth considering this business type if you are in a position to do so.
Business Consulting
You might be thinking that you have to be an expert in business yourself to get into business consulting. That might be true if you were going to be a consultant, but in order to run a business consulting company, all you really need is to be able to source people who know what they are doing. You can then act as an agency, putting them in touch with businesses that might need their help, and taking a cut yourself for doing so. You won’t have to do much except make those connections, and yet you could make a lot of money.
IT Support
Every business in the world needs IT support, so you are always going to have clients if you set up a business of this kind. If nothing else, you will find that it is always possible to gain new customers, and you’ll be able to build up your company pretty quickly this way, especially if you are able to offer great services. It’s definitely worth considering this if you have at least a little knowledge and experience in the IT industry.
Try out any of these simple businesses and you could make a lot of money in no time.