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Attention-grabbing Outdoor Advertising Techniques for Your Brand

Getting out into the world to market your brand can help to get more attention for your business. As people move about, they can see advertisements all around them, many of which will stick in their minds. Outdoor advertising offers a variety of opportunities to get your message across, and there are various different methods that you can use to market your brand. You can make use of very visual media to grab people's attention when they're moving around or when they're sitting or standing, especially in places where you have a "captive audience". Take a look at some of the outdoor advertising methods that you can use.

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Advertising on Transport

Various methods of transit can provide opportunities for you to advertise your brand. From trains and buses to taxi cabs and even people's personal vehicles, you can make use of transport to get your message across. Adverts might be attached to the exterior of the vehicle, such as car and train decals or banners, or they could be inside buses, trains and other public transport in the form of posters or other advertising. If there are people waiting or using transport to get around, there are opportunities for you to get their attention.

Billboard Marketing

Billboard marketing might be seen by some as a little out of date, but it can still be an effective method of outdoor advertising. The key to billboard advertising is to choose the right location and ensure it's going to be attention-grabbing. When you order billboard prints, you can often benefit from free billboard design services so that you can get more from your billboards. Designing an advert for such a large scale can be tricky, but it's easier if you have a bit of expert help. You need to get people's attention, but without putting up a billboard that creates an eyesore.

Image from Pixabay - CC0 License

Street Furniture Advertising

Street furniture includes things such as benches, bus stops, kiosks and other structures that you find out on the street. These can all provide advertising opportunities to people who are sitting, waiting, walking past or making use of services nearby. In particular, this type of advertising is good if you want to catch the attention of pedestrians. One of the advantages of that is that they're moving at a slower pace to those using various modes of transport, so you have more time to catch their eye.

Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing involves alternative marketing techniques that are designed to be unexpected and shake things up. It might include things like flash mobs, art installments or even ads in unexpected places, such as on the floor instead of on walls and other vertical locations. Guerilla advertising can often be low-cost, but it's not always easy to think of something new and interesting that's actually going to help sell your product. It should be creative and usually witty or funny, if not attention-grabbing in some other way, and perhaps even shocking.

Outdoor advertising can be an effective way to advertise your brand if you know which methods to choose.