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Productivity Hacks You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

by Sharon Jones

Whether you’re a solopreneur or a small business, making it your mission to be as productive as possible is essential if you don’t want to end up wasting time and resources. There are a few tricks and hacks that you can try to see if they work for you, so read on to find some of the hacks that you’ll probably wish you knew sooner:


Stay Away From Emails/Phones/Other Distractions For At Least The First Hour Of The Day

The first hour of the day has the potential to be your most productive hour. By letting distractions get in the way of this hour, you set a poor tone for the rest of the day, and you may find yourself struggling to get any real work done. Make sure you stay away from emails, phones, social media, and anything else that could distract you and take your focus away from the task at hand.

Know When To Outsource/Delegate/Automate

Knowing when it’s time to outsource, delegate, or automate a task is a skill that any business owner needs to master. For example, outsourcing IT Support to an expert company is a must; it’s unlikely delegating it to a member of your team will be as effective. When it comes to tasks that are repetitive, you will usually be able to automate them and save time and resources in the process.

Take More Breaks To Become More Productive

You might think that sitting in front of your screen for hours is the most productive way to work, but most of the time, it’s not. Taking more breaks can help you to become more productive if you do it right. Many people like to work non stop for around 25 minutes, before taking a 5 minute break. Doing this can keep your energy high and help you to get much more done in a shorter amount of time.

Set Clear Intentions For The Day

When you get up in the morning, set a clear intention for the day. What do you want to get done? How do you want to feel? By setting an intention before you start doing your work you’ll likely achieve it.

Keep Your To Do List Small And Specific

To do lists can be a big help, but usually only if you keep them short and specific. Putting endless tasks on your to do list can be more of a hindrance, as you can feel disheartened if you don’t end up getting things done. Make sure you only list around 3 essential tasks, and make them as specific as possible so you know exactly what you have to do. Then anything else you get done on top of those things is a bonus.

Encourage Health And Wellness Within Your Business

The healthier you and your team are, the more you’re going to get done. There are even more benefits too, such as less sick days and happier clients! Introduce healthy snacks, encourage exercise, and prioritize mental health.

Do you have any hacks you’d like to share?

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